This file describes the list of files in the ‘aw2012’ folder
Makes a set of documents and keep cross referencing using standard refnames determined by file names.
General Goals
First understand the business from the databases AW,DW,CU
What are the differences between the 3 DBs?
What can we do with cubes that we cannot do with DW database????
General business analysis & visualization of existing data
Data mining scenario using various tools SQL, Excel, R, Python, PowerBI
Use MSProject to plan the project.
Documents List
Awba: Questions for data-analyst.
Aw-full: Copy of Documentation.
AWqst: oltp structure and queries
awqdw: olap and bi structure and queries
Project Management Area: Read a lot of books and material. Get the terminology in the brain…. Have to do it from Now…. Use MS Project to get the terminology
There will be 3 approaches.
Tools – Project, Git
Theory – data mining, probability, statistics
Application – sql, excel queries, business questions.
Reports – Visualization, PowerBI
General Idea:
We have been recruited by
Use Proj
PMBOK +PMP Material.
Team: Structure Role and Responsibilites.
Strategy Project Plan Business Questions Database Queries/Algorithms Reporting/Visualization Web Friendly
What is each person supposed to do?
How many hours does each person spend per day?
What are the outcomes?
How many resources do you have in each of the major analytic functions?
Name Title Role Responsibilities Tools
Adrien Legendre CAO What are we doing? Why are we doing this? Everything
Patrica Projlead Project Lead Planning and terminology
Mandy Projman Project Manager Scheduling Excel, Word, Project, Visio
Barbara Busstrat Business Strategy Business & Marketing questions
John Danaly Data Analyst SQL queries into spreadsheet form SQL,DB BOK
Rhonda Revisu Reporting Visualization experiments to tell the story. Tableau, Excel, PowerBI
Sally Statipro Statistician Create BOK for probability, statistical tests. Excel, R, Python
Danica Algori Data Scientist Algorithms to test, predict scenarios R, Python
Wilma Hugo Web Make reports & analysis reports web friendly. Hugo, Rstudio etc..
We have been contracted to do work for AWC. We will use project management techniques to plan and allocate resources and time tables and deadlines using MS Project. Using Git tools to track changes in code. Use Telegram for communication.
***Business Questions SQL & Visualizations. ***
Exporting Tables to CSV & Excel.
Exporting Tables to CSV & Python
Exporting Tables to CSV & R